
What is it? It is a doll.

What colour is it? It is pink.

Where is it? It is on the table․


What is it?It is a dog.

What colour is it? It is brown․

Where is it? It is at the table.


What is it?It is a ball.

What colour is it? It is yellow and green․

Where is it? It is under  the table.


What is it?It is a pen.

What colour is it? It is blue․

Where is it? It is in  the book.


What is it?It is a book.

What colour is it? It is red․

Where is it? It is on the table.




+255                   356                     500                              654

+                    +                        —                                    +

482                    124                      14                               412

_____               ______             _____                          _____

737                    480                     486                             1066


2.Թվերը դասավորի՛ր աճման կարգով։

432, 516, 769, 20, 11, 300, 220, 565, 760

11 20 220 300 432 516 565 760 769



3.Գտի՛ր անհայտ բաղադրիչը։

24 :8= 3        45 :5= 9        64 :8 = 8      7 .7 = 49


56 :7= 8        18 :2= 9            9 .9= 81       6 .6= 36



4.Տրված թվերը մեծացրո’ւ 20  անգամ, արդյունքը փոքրացրու 10- ով։

30,  4, 40, 6, 7 , 2






